Getting started

Introduction to Num Finance

Welcome to Num Finance, where the future of investing unfolds. Num is a groundbreaking platform that seamlessly blends the world of traditional finance (TradFi) with the innovative realm of Web3. Our platform offers a unique investment opportunity in a diverse range of tokenized Real-World Assets such as ETFs, treasuries, commodities, and stocks. It merges the stability of traditional financial instruments with the innovation and potential of blockchain technology.

Why Num?

Num is more than just an investment platform; it's a gateway to a new era of financial empowerment. Whether you're a seasoned investor in traditional markets or a crypto enthusiast looking to expand your portfolio, Num provides a regulated, secure, and user-friendly environment for your investment journey. Our commitment to compliance, security, and innovation ensures that your experience with digital assets is both rewarding and reassuring.

What You'll Find in This Guide

This guide is your first step into the world of Num. Here, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to get started:

  1. Exploring nTokens: Discover the diverse range of tokenized ETFs available on Num, and understand how they can complement your investment strategy.

  2. Staying Safe: Learn about the security measures in place to protect your investments and personal information on Num.

Ready to Begin?

Your journey with Num starts here. Dive into the next sections to embark on a new investment experience, where tradition meets innovation, all within a trusted and forward-thinking platform.

Who we are

Num Finance is a crypto startup that strongly believes that blockchain technology and digital assets will become a transformative distribution channel for financial products that already exist within traditional markets, revolutionizing the way financial services are accessed and utilised. Therefore, these technologies will seamlessly integrate with existing financial systems, creating an inclusive ecosystem that empowers individuals with greater control over their financial lives, while fostering transparency, security, and efficiency.

The main business purpose of Num Finance is to tokenize Real-World Assets (Num Tokens or nTokens), focusing at this stage on traditional financial assets such as ETFs, treasuries, commodities, and stocks. This will bridge the gap between traditional and DeFi markets, providing numerous benefits, like being able to access traditional financial products with stablecoins and have all your assets in a DeFi wallet. Another key feature is the democratization of access through fractional ownership, allowing for wider participation and diversification. Moreover, tokenization increases transparency in asset ownership and transactions, thereby boosting trust and minimizing fraud.

Why Tokenization?

Tokenization and blockchain technology are pivotal in modernizing the financial ecosystem, offering numerous benefits that enhance the efficiency, security, and accessibility of financial operations.

  1. Enhanced Security: Blockchain's decentralized nature means that data is not stored in a single location, making it incredibly secure against hacks and data breaches. Each transaction is encrypted and linked to the previous one, creating a tamper-resistant record.

  2. Increased Transparency and Trust: Blockchain technology provides an immutable register of transactions, ensuring transparency in operations. Every transaction is recorded and can be viewed by all participants, fostering trust among users and stakeholders.

  3. Improved Efficiency and Speed: Traditional financial transactions can be time-consuming due to the involvement of intermediaries and bureaucratic processes. Blockchain enables peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries, significantly reducing transaction times and costs.

  4. Greater Accessibility and Inclusion: Blockchain and tokenization democratize access to financial services. By tokenizing traditional assets like ETFs, treasuries, commodities and stocks, they become more divisible and affordable, allowing a broader range of investors to participate in markets previously inaccessible to them.

  5. Facilitation of Real-World Asset (RWA) Integration: Tokenization of Real-World Assets involves converting the value of physical assets into digital tokens on a blockchain. This process makes these assets more accessible and divisible, allowing for fractional ownership and easier liquidity. This is crucial for integrating RWAs into the DeFi space.

  6. Liquidity Enhancement: Tokenized assets on blockchain platforms can be traded globally around the clock, leading to increased market liquidity. This is a significant advantage over traditional markets, which have set trading hours and can be less liquid.

  7. Regulatory Compliance and Automation: Smart contracts on blockchain can be programmed to comply with regulations automatically. This feature ensures adherence to legal standards while streamlining operations and reducing administrative burdens.


The nTokens are ERC20 tokens, tracking the value of an underlying financial asset.

Each nToken issued by Num Finance is fully collateralized by an asset in the traditional market. This means that for every nToken in circulation, there is a real-world asset backing it, ensuring the token's value and stability. Reserves for nTokens redemption are kept in separate, bankruptcy-remote accounts under the Company's name at regulated financial institutions. These are distinct from the Company's operational accounts and are maintained for the users' benefit.

List and Description of Each nToken

Detailed descriptions of different nTokens available in our platform. Detailed descriptions of different underlying assets available in the Fact Sheets link.

  • Num Finance iShares $ Treasury Bond 0-1yr UCITS ETF (nTBILL1) - Fact Sheet

  • Num Finance iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF (nSP500) - Fact Sheet

  • Num Finance iShares Diversified Commodity Swap UCITS ETF (nICOM) - Fact Sheet

  • Num Finance iShares J.P. Morgan $ EM Investment Grade Bond UCITS ETF (nEM) - Fact Sheet

Last updated